Israel was under siege by forest fire and found a major weakness in the infrastructure of the country. As a country of 7.6 million people, there are only 16 firefighters for every 100,000 residents. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the Israel's current fire emergency system is understaffed and underfunded. Luckily for the residents at risk, surrounding countries came to Israel's aid with their own firefighters. Even countries in conflict with the nation helped out including Palestine and Turkey. Israel's inadequate fire response is due to their focus on military and police functions. This fire reveals how surrounding political relationships can leave an entire country unprepared to deal with an environmental hazard. If your system is unbalanced, much like Israel's, it could lead to a lot of fatalities and further expenses. This fire took the lives of 41 people - lives that could have been saved if balance in the infrastructure and planning existed.
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